Design Research & Strategy
Developing tools & methods to incorporate ECD methods into our work

Develop a ECD tools and methods that leaders can leverage to show clients our perspectives and establish Deloitte as a leader in the Equity Centered design space. ​
Understand leader's and clients needs to develop a pursuit playbook with tools and materials that enable leaders to more easily sell ECD projects to clients.
My Role:
Research & Strategy Lead
Methods: ​
Collaborative workshops with leaders
In depth interviews
Tool Testing with leaders
Outcomes ​
The final playbook is an ECD Pitch kit a comprehensive toolkit that equips CS&D leaders with easy to use pursuit material that makes sharing our perspective and capabilities for ECD as easy as a drag and drop. The materials articulate the value of ECD to clients, help build equity-focused business cases, and position Deloitte as an ECD market leader.​
The Impact
The toolkit has helped contribute to multiple proposals and is helping Deloitte's Applied Design practice win more work and expand its portfolio of Equity Centered Design Projects
The Contents